Immediately Improve Your Leadership Skills
Have you ever noticed the difference between someone in a position of leadership and someone who has leadership skills? Let’s take a closer look!
With so many people in a position of needing leadership skills, isn’t it bizarre so many are lacking in them?
What Are Leadership Skills?
Leadership skills are about your abilities to influence people so they care about what they are doing. If they care, they will put more on the line and do it to their utmost capabilities.
Why do we want people to care?
We want people to care because more often than not, they are more productive, they need less one on one management, they are therefore more cost-effective and better for the business overall. As well as this because they care, they are generally happier, sharper thinkers and more reliable and consistent.
Truly an abundance of reasons for why it is important for your workers to care about what they are doing and why leadership skills should be a priority in your workplace.
Learning The Difference
In a position I have as a consultant, I was issued with the task of finding the company’s mission, values, and purpose.
This involved several months of discussions. Discussions between me and the staff, me and the co-founders and me and myself.
Just to be clear this exercise was for internal purposes. While it may appear in marketing efforts down the line, this was never the intention. The intention was to create leadership within the company that would empower the staff and brand as a whole from the inside out.
What was the result?
The result was a shared mission, set of values and purpose.
In plain English, the purpose accumulated into one single sentence, “to show people they belong” – for the company in question is was an excellent fit that matched the service we provide.
The Immediate Impact of This
As well as being a consultant for the company, I interact with the staff regularly. Knowing our new purpose caused a shift inside my thinking.
I thought the staff need to know they belong. They need to know I care.
Then all my interactions with them changed. All our conversations were based on the idea of me having empathy towards them.
I made sure to ask them how they were doing and waiting for a reply. I asked myself, how can I help them more and asked them what do they need from me to enable them to do their job better.
What I Learned
More important than the questions where the fact that I allowed the space for the response. I learned how to listen to them. I learned how to act upon what they wanted.
It was reported that the staff became happier, less stressed. I could see first hand that they were making fewer mistakes. My conversations with them improved.
I became more approachable and they became more professional.
Over time I began to realize that being in a position of leadership, means I have a responsibility to utilize and improve my leadership skills.
If you show those you work with that you care, in return, they will care as well and as you listen to them, they, in turn, will listen to you and your leadership skills will achieve their fulfillment.
Would you like to practice your own leadership skills and take lead in your own life? Check out the FREE video series about starting your own online business.
I’m Scott D. Renwick – a free thinker, blogger, entrepreneur, and landscape contractor at your service.