10 Things I Learned After Using PINTEREST for 1 Month

10 Things I Learned After Using PINTEREST for 1 Month

I’ve been using Pinterest for 1 month now. Here is what I learned in that short time and what I think of it.

After Facebook and Twitter, a lot of the other social media channels seem more optional.

However, that is all the more reason to explore these territories as they are not as saturated and therefore they have less competition.

With this in mind, I decided to venture into Pinterest to see was it worth my while.

The following 10 things I learned from it will give you more insight to determine whether it is worth your while for your business.

10 Things I Learned After Using PINTEREST for 1 Month

1. You Don’t Need a Following to Gain Traffic

This was one of the most surprising qualities of Pinterest. Often as a new business one of your biggest online challenges is getting organic traffic. Pinterest makes it possible because hashtags are utilized more fiercely on Pinterest as opposed to their social media counterparts.

This opens the door for quick and easy traffic for anyone who is willing to put in the work.

It’s a lot harder to say that for Facebook, whereby hashtags are largely ignored and everything depends on you building an audience and retaining them.

Of course, building a following is a great asset for you on Pinterest but you can get started without it.

2. Reposted Content is Not Considered SPAM

Coming up with fresh unique content all the time can be a challenge. As well as that the pressure is on because on a lot of social media platforms you need to be active to have some kind of impact on the algorithms so that you appear on people’s screens.

A great solution for this can be found on Pinterest through repeat content.

This means you can repeat, reformat, and repurpose the same content over and over again and continue to gain exposure with the exact same content.

If you do this on other platforms such as Facebook it will be considered SPAM and will kill you because you will get a lot of people unfollowing you as a result.

On Pinterest, you can literally reuse the same content as much as you like. Nobody’s going to complain about it and you’ll increase your exposure.

3. Repurposing Content is an Attractive Prospect

This certainly touches on point two, but worth singling out.

Taking the exact same content and repurposing it to target a different audience or to retarget the same audience but in a different way is totally cool in the world of Pinterest.

This means you can get much more out of one piece of content on Pinterest than you can on other social media platforms.

4. Hard Work Actually Pays Off (unlike other platforms)

You can work your ass off on an awesome Facebook page and get nowhere. The same on Twitter and I’m guessing most other social media platforms.

On Pinterest however, if you put in the work and you’re consistent you will grow. I don’t know any other social media platform whereby that applies to such an extent.

On Facebook hard-work defiantly is not enough. It often requires expertise and strategy to grow even slightly.

5. Creating Professional Pins is Doable

It’s very easy to look at other people’s pins on Pinterest and be overwhelmed by the level of professionalism.

Nearly every post looks like it was put together by an experienced and artistic designer.

The truth is there are excellent user-friendly online software programs such as Fotor and Snappa which allow you to piece together high-quality, professional-looking Pins in a very short time.

6. Traffic May be Low Quality

Not everything I gained from Pinterest was positive.

Pinterest can send you traffic right from the start, however, the quality of that traffic can be incredibly poor and therefore pointless.

Having poor quality traffic on your website is not desirable. It increases your negative metrics and your Google organic ranking as a result will suffer.

I’m still investigating this and I check out my Google analytics regularly to see if traffic from Pinterest improves in quality.

The volume of traffic does not really concern me as much as the quality of traffic.

7. Super Platform For Newbies to Grow

If you’re a newbie to the world of social media and driving traffic to your website, I don’t think there is a better platform than Pinterest. It’s fine to make mistakes and do bad posts.

Pinterest is very forgiving when it comes to your mistakes. At the end of the day people will only recognise you on Pinterest for your effective pins and your less effective pins will fall into obscurity and be forgotten about on Pinterest.

8. Judge Your Results Only When it Counts

It’s very easy to get carried away with what I call vanity metrics on Pinterest.

Getting people to follow you is very doable, but are they high-quality potential customers following you?

Likewise getting people to click on your website is easy, but are they high-quality clicks?

And getting impressions on your Pins on Pinterest is very doable, but are those impressions turning into high-quality clicks?

Don’t be fooled by vanity metrics. They will lead you down the garden path of nothingness.

Pay attention to the figures that have an impact and make a difference to your business.

If I get 1 million impressions and not a single sale, well then those 1 million impressions are worth nothing to me.

Vanity metrics generally aren’t worth anything, they serve your ego but not your bank account.

9. Pinterest is a Marketplace/Social Media Platform

Pinterest differs from other social media platforms in a lot of ways, but the most obvious way is that Pinterest is basically a massive market place where buyers and sellers meet in a creative and experimental way.

Essentially your content becomes your product and the viewer becomes the shopper.

It’s pretty beautiful and unique when you think about it. Unfortunately, however, this attracts an abundance of SPAM.

There are many high-quality creators on Pinterest who genuinely want to offer value, but then there are tons of people just fishing for quick sales and looking to scale up the operation as quickly as possible.

Pinterest is certainly susceptible to this kind of marketer.

But hopefully, most people see past all this crap and the good ones will inevitably rise to the top.

10. I’m Taking Pinterest Way More Seriously Now

In the past 30 days, I’ve achieved the following:

  • 11,400+ monthly viewers
  • 101 link clicks

This is just a start, but undoubtedly, these metrics are going in the right direction.

The real test is how much I have to increase these metrics before I see a sale and then see if I can duplicate the result.

This will ultimately determine whether Pinterest is worth the time, energy, and resources.

So far, the results say keep going.

What’s Next?

For the next 30 days, I’ll be selling more items such as t-shirts and merchandise, keeping my input the same, and aiming to achieve more consistency, and watching the organic growth to see if it converts into a sale or even email sign-ups.

I’ll of course keep you updated with my progress.

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