One Question to Ask Before Marketing Your Product

One Question to Ask Before Marketing Your Product

The quality of your life is reflected by the quality of the questions you ask yourself. When it comes to your business the same applies. In this article, I deliver one key question that you can ask yourself before marketing your product.

Marketing Your Product

We live in a world that has been saturated with marketing strategies. For the vast majority of marketing, we have become immune to it. We have programmed ourselves to ignore the majority of what is presented to us.

People recognize when they are being sold too. For the most part, we haven’t got time for it. This does not deter marketers but motivates them to try new ways to penetrate our wallet.

There are so many ways for you to present your product. However, there is one question you may want to ask yourself before your start tirelessly pushing for a sale.

What’s The Question?

The question is this:

If somebody else was selling your product or service would you buy it?

Now before you jump to say yes, remember you don’t have to convince me. The person you have to convince is yourself.

This is an opportunity for you to be completely honest with yourself.

If you saw your marketing efforts would you be intrigued?
How interested would you be in it? Would you think your efforts are too pushy or would you think this is a source you can trust?

What objections would you have?

Whatever objections arise, know that your potential customer will also have those same objections.

If you can’t resolve them, it’s unlikely your marketing efforts will result in sales. Which means you’re going to spend a lot of time and resources pushing something you don’t even believe in.

Now if you do answer this question well with a positive and confident YES, you’ll be in a much better position to drive your product and get prospects to turn into leads and board much faster.

The Importance of Your Answer

How you answer that one question will determine whether you believe in what you’re doing or not. This is why it’s an important question to answer.

Can you be successful without believing in what you’re doing?

If by success you mean getting sales, well then yes, you certainly can.

So what’s the problem then?

The problem is you’ll constantly be hustling for the sale. You’ll always be trying to manipulate and conjure up new schemes to trick people into giving you their hard earned cash.

Basically you will be the reason, people despise marketers and you’ll have to work your ass off just to be despised.

If that’s the route you want to take. You’re free to do so. Nobody’s going to stop you.

But if asking that questions prompt you to revise your product and your marketing efforts to do something you are alligned with, then your work becomes your mission.

Your fulfillment of that mission becomes your success. You’ll be empowered and you’ll work hard, but it will hardly feel like work.

What Are You Really Asking?

Really this question challenges us to ask ourselves: “Is what I’m doing worthy of me?”

If it is worthy of you, the world is in for a treat and so are you. If it’s not worthy of you then you’re in for a long hard battle and you’ll repeatedly question if it was even worth it at all. You’ll always be holding back and never commiting your efforts.

Ask yourself this important question and challenge yourself to be in alignment with your efforts.

Before you convince others, convince yourself.

If you would like to learn more about how you can establish your product or service and market in a way you can believe in. Consider checking out the following completely free video series.

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