THE BULLSHIT ALARM – The Road to Launch my First YouTube ad – Day 2

THE BULLSHIT ALARM – The Road to Launch my First YouTube ad – Day 2

Welcome to the second day of this blog series. Today I worked on refining my script for my first YouTube ad.

It’s very rare that your first draft of anything will be your best draft. Knowing this I always make an effort to get it done fast.

It’s extremely unlikely it’s going to be where it needs to be, but all the other drafts follow that first one, making it the most important.

The Road to Launch my First YouTube ad

Let’s face it, if there is no first draft there will be no second draft and so on.

So what did I focus on?

I focused on aligning my customer avatar with my YouTube script.

There is no doubt about it, if you don’t target a specific customer avatar, you are essentially targeting everyone and in the world of marketing, targeting everyone is the exact same as targeting no-one.

I went through my script and focused on pain points of what makes my customer avatar tick.

Now what makes one avatar tick and another avatar tick may be exactly the same thing. However how it is related to them, in other words how it is spoken to them is what makes all the difference.

For instance, time may be an issue for everyone. But if the pain point is not communicated by someone who is relatable to me, the chances are I’ll ignore whatever is being said.

My Avatar

For this YouTube script, I personally represent my avatar. So I communicated my words in a way I’d respect and relate to.

I did this by pulling back from the benefits and positives of what I’m selling and delivered a few home truths.

This means I come across as being honest. I’m pushing people away a little bit and saying you know what, maybe this isn’t for you.

This was really important to me, because I remember exactly what I loved about my introduction to starting an online business.

It was the brutal honesty that hooked me in.

I’m so sick of all the salsey bullshit. Telling me how great something is. For me this really comes across as an insult to my intelligence.

The bottom line is no product, service or education is that unbelievably good. As soon as I see an advert like that, my bullshit alarm goes off.

The bullshit alarm says:

  • Run fast
  • Don’t buy this crap
  • It’s a scam
  • They only want your money

Honestly we’ve all seen those washing detergent ads. People who sell washing detergent must think their customer avatar is made up of the dumbest people on the planet.

For crying out loud how good can washing detergent be?

Those ads are painful for me and because of them, I purposefully do not get main brand washing detergent. I feel like buying it, is an insult to myself.

I often buy the cheapest one, convinced that they all do exactly the same thing.

I’m receptive to honesty. If someone tells me, this may not be for me, I think to myself, I should probably listen to this.

If someone tells me, there’s going to be a lot of hard work involved, I immediately think, hey this guy is telling the truth, I should listen to him.

But if someone tells me all my problems will vanish if I buy their product I think bullshit!!!

What else did I do to refine my YouTube script?

I sought out third party feedback.

There is no doubt about it, when you only seek your own opinion, you get trapped in a bubble of ignorance.

It doesn’t matter how smart you are, you cannot compensate for a lack of outside criticism.

Yes it can be tough to take, but it’s essential to growth.

I look at it this way, what I know has me where I am now. If I want to be somewhere else, it’s essential that I get outside input.

Really straight forward logic I know. But it never ceases to surprise me how many people would rather stew in the ignorance of their own bubble, bathing in a pool of comfort.

I hope you enjoyed day two of The Road to Launch my First YouTube ad.

If you missed Day 1, here it is The Road to Launch my First YouTube ad. Day 1

Join me for day 3 as I continue the journey to deliver my first YouTube ad.
Hopefully I’ll have some feedback from my mentor.

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