Why I’m Still a Virgin

Why I’m Still a Virgin

This article is inspired by Sir Richard Branson and his world-famous company VIRGIN because it’s important to remember we’re all virgins.

Ok, first of all, let me apologize for grabbing your attention with that bit of clickbait. Forgive me.

However, I was compelled to do it, to deliver this important message. So please read on. Perhaps at the end of this article, you’ll realize you are in fact a virgin too and always will be.

Why Virgin is in fact called Virgin:

Sir Richard Branson named his company Virgin to brand the first company that he started with his friend Nik Powell – a record store.

It was one of their employees that came up with the name. It was based on the notion that as they were so new and unfamiliar with the business, they were complete newbies to this experience, or as they put it “virgins” finalizing on the singular of the word – Virgin.

The logo is designed in such a way that the initial capital letter, takes the form of an expressive tick

Photo by Francois Olwage on Unsplash

There is something refreshing about this attitude

Instead of trying to sell themselves as experts and the go-to of the music industry, they presented themselves as professionals that have much to learn.

This cast away their assumptions, put their ego in check and opened them up to a whole new world of possibility.

Right from the starting block, they announced to the world “we haven’t got a clue”.

Ok, they were probably not that blunt about it. But publicly to the world Branson and Powell where declaring that they were virgins in business.

This is discussed in greater detail in Richard Branson’s autobiography Losing My Virginity: The Autobiography

The Big Vision and The Big Opportunity

Branson had a big vision for himself and his businesses spread across different industries. He was humble enough to acknowledge that out of all the business opportunities he wanted to explore, he knew relatively nothing about them.

Most people would have seen this as a reason not to embark on this business. However, Branson saw this obstacle as an opportunity.

Where others would have stopped and looked elsewhere, Branson saw this road block as the enabler of his vision.

To this present day, there are over 50 companies under the virgin name. These include –  Virgin Media, Virgin Media Sport, Virgin Care, Virgin Hotels, Virgin Radio and Virgin Atlantic.

How is Richard holding up?

In 2019, Virgin Group generated over $21 billion in global revenue, and Mr. Branson has a personal fortune of over $4.4 billion himself.

Richard’s story is an inspiring one and it certainly wouldn’t have happened without his attitude.

This is why to this day I am still a virgin of business. Hopefully, I will always be humble enough to think of myself as one.

There are so many paths and opportunities I want to pursue that I know nothing about.

It’s imperative I go into them with a cautious attitude. Asking for help where needed and opening myself up to a world of learning and new energy.

The world of business has way too much arrogance in it and is in need of more virgins.

Having read this article, maybe it’s time for you to ask yourself the question “Are you a virgin?”

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